Born in Yamoussoukro, capital of cote d'Ivoire, Dr. Kakou Brou Georges graduated from the very renowned INP-FHB of Yamoussoukro, His Job career started in 1985 as designer of small dams before joining a JICA Project financed by the Japanese Overseas Development Assistance Found. His hard work and sincerity impressed this Japanese counter part engineers who recommend him to completed his Dr. Program in a Japanese University.
In 1997 Dr. Kakou Brou Georges joined the department of Agriculture of GIFU UNIVERSITY. in 2002, he obtained his PhD in biological Production Environment Science, and later joined the first company to introduce the idea if Pharmaceutical film in JAPAN.
In September 2014, Dr. Kakou established GALEBO GROUP.
Dr. Kakou his very fluent in Japanese, English French and fairly Spanish.
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